Peacock Removal


Peafowl Removal (Peacock Removal)

Peafowl removal and trapping is one of the many things we do here at Redline. A touchy subject for some, but a necessity for many. These birds are magnificent, however they are invasive and cause a TON of property damage. They’ve been known to damage roofs causing leaks, scratch cars while trying to fight their own reflections, scream at early hours of the morning, and defecate all over driveways and sidewalks.

Here at Redline, we custom build large traps to remove invasive peacocks humanely. We bait and check our traps daily, while also searching for nests and removing any eggs found before they hatch.

We have been chosen by many municipalities, HOA’s, and large commercial buildings as their peacock trappers because of our humane methods of peacock trapping.

If you’re having issues with peacocks give us a call for humane peafowl removal before it gets out of hand 954-842-3051.